av synligbirgit | sep 2, 2022 | Sunday 2022
CONCERT EUROPE AFTER THE RAIN A musical and visual work that spans over 80 years gets a new chapter in Ålesund – underwater! At the start of World War II, the German surrealist Max Ernst painted what remains his unsettling masterpiece: Europe After The Rain II. An...
av synligbirgit | mai 4, 2023 | Festivalkunstner 2023
INSTALLASJON CHIARA BERSANI My time so far in Ålesund resembles time in an aquarium, or rather, how I imagine it. I was surprised by the silence of Ålesund and by the effect this has on myself. It’s a kind of silence that relaxes my southern woman body. My muscles...
av synligbirgit | aug 31, 2022 | Wednesday 2022, Saturday 2022, Thursday 2022, Friday 2022, Onsdag 2022
WORKSHOP HAND PICK A workshop and walk in nature with Kristin Helene Randulff Nielsen, author of the book «Håndplukk». Hand Pick is a book that encourages you to eat, see and enjoy the nature around you. Many of the plants we walk past can be eaten and...
av synligbirgit | mai 4, 2023 | Festivalkunstner 2023
INSTALLASJON RANA ISSA Ålesund is a city of birds. So many birds and bird stories here. So many mountain tops where they can build their nests, and seas for their food. Rana Issa kommer til festivalen med et poetisk tekstaktivistisk prosjekt, i samarbeid med...
av synligbirgit | mai 4, 2023 | Festivalkunstner 2023
INSTALLASJON MUNA MUSSIE My wish for Ålesund is seeing the signs of time on the city, allowing it to age «Hva er det perfekte mennesket?» Dette spørsmålet har Muna Mussie stilt ulike mennesker hun møter i Ålesund. Hun får ulike svar. Ulike mennesker svarer ulikt, og...