Outdoor experience

THE MOUNTAIN BODY (Helle Siljeholm, dance / performance)

Welcome to an experience completely out of the ordinary!
The Mountain Body is an interdisciplinary project by choreographer and visual artist Helle Siljeholm who in collaboration with various actors in and outside the art field investigates how the mountain both visible and invisible affects, and is influenced by the surrounding community, through anthropocentric age, but also in light of geological time (depth). The mountain is the starting point for various studies around our view of nature, as well as the ongoing new thinking about the relationship between nature and culture in light of today’s climate and environmental challenges.
In The Mountain Body, the mountain is both different processes, body and poetic material that creates connections where living and non-living material are included. Over several years, a series of major context-specific choreographic and sculptural installation work will be created in and with different mountains, which together and over time form a «mountain chain».
The «mountain range» will begin in Norway in the autumn of 2021. The complex geological area Kolsåsstupene was the first stop. During the Autumn Scene, it is Norangsdalen, one of Norway’s most beautiful and narrowest valleys, where the mountain encloses man, practical, historical, physical, metaphorical and spiritual, which gets its own «climbing sculpture» in unique natural surroundings.
The Mountain Body is based on a previous project by Helle Siljeholm, «Sheet music on stone and other social landscapes» developed and implemented in Ålesund 2017.
It is recommended to bring binoculars, seat pads and warm clothing.
The event itself is free.
Cast / Occasionally
Concept, choreography, local and historical research: Helle Siljeholm.
Climbers, co-creative practitioners / Pernille Holden, Marianne Kjærsund, Henrik Burvang, Mads Gausdal.
Earth pigment: Visual artist Bent Erik Myrvoll.
Costume: Solveig Fagermo.
Interlocutors local history, pigment, mountains etc.: Per Urke, Ørnulf Opdahl, Siri Forberg, Benedikte Holen.

International producer: Annette Wolfsberger.

Photo, video: Istvan Virag, Tormod Granheim.
Producer: Guro Vrålstad.
Co-production: Høstscena (Ålesund), Jugendstilsenteret & KUBE (Ålesund), Black Box theater (Oslo) .
Partners: Co-Futures.
Supported by: The Cultural Council.
Thanks to Klatreklubben Ålesund, Sunnmørsk Klatreklubb and Kari Aslaug Hasle

Photo: Marius Siemensen, «Sheet music about stone and other social landscapes», Ålesund 2017.


Transport and arrival at Norangsdalen

This is a once in a lifetime experience with a boat cruise through the beautiful Hjørundfjord. Upon arrival in Urke, you will be picked up by bus and transported into Norangsdalen where visual artist and choreographer Helle Siljeholm together with climbers from Ålesund climbing club and dancers will occupy Norangsdalen with a climbing performance.

11.30: departure Ålesund boat Nordic Lady (departure quay at Langevågsbåten)

13.00: arrival Urke. Organized transport to Norangsdalen.


15:30 Departure boat Urke – Ålesund:

17:30 Arrival Ålesund.

Sale of refreshments and food on board.

Arrival Car

Parking at Hotel Union Øye.

13:00 Bus will pick up spectators at Øye Landhandel / Hotel Union Øye.

13:15 Arrival location Norangsdalen.

12:45 Departure ferry from Sæbø

13:00 Arrival Leknes quay

Driving into Norangsdalen (approx. 15 min)
We encourage local visitors by car to show up and park at Hotel Union Øye at 13:00.
Start-up event will be coordinated with audience arrival.

WHEN: Saturday 02.10 at 13.00

WHERE: Norangsdalen

Important info about transport to Norangsdalen can be found at the bottom of the event description.


Besøksadresse: Lorkenesgt. 2, 6002 Ålesund
Postadresse: Postboks 349, 6001 Ålesund