Poetry scene: Jon Ståle Ritland and Nils Petter Molvær
Saturday 29.09. at 09:00 and at 12:00
Jon Ståle Ritland / Nils Petter Molvær
The last couple out during Poesiscena 2018 are Jon Ståle Ritland and Nils Petter Molvær.
Ritland is a daily ophthalmologist in Ålesund and lives a fairly A4 life, but in between he writes poems about tennis and anatomy, DNA threads and other natural sciences. And he writes well, very well! When he comes to Poesiscena, it is important to focus on whether you should keep up with the turns, so to speak. Jazz trumpeter Nils Petter Molvær is known to most of us: World artist and sole landing. Nils Petter is first and foremost an exploratory and open musician who does not say no to challenges. Nothing is too small and nothing is too big. That is why he is at Poesiscena this Saturday with Jon Ståle. This can be a great and memorable experience.
About Poetry Stage:
Poesiscena 2018 presents a very strong program that offers premieres of poetry and music second to none. We have never been able to boast of more commissioned works and the artist gallery speaks for itself. We opened the ball at Baker Walderhaug on Wednesday 26.09 at 8 with a celebration of Hans Børli’s 100th birthday in pop packaging. Thursday night we get Lars Saabye Christensen and Sondre Ferstad ensemble, record release and premiere of new text on Arbeideren. And so it continues throughout the week. Be there or be gone.
Baker Walderhaug
Saturday 29. Sept.
Kl: 09:00
The workers
Saturday 29. Sept.
Time: 12:00

Besøksadresse: Lorkenesgt. 2, 6002 Ålesund
Postadresse: Postboks 349, 6001 Ålesund