Children’s concert
Night shift Children’s concert with Bakke, Omenås and Kolbeinsen
Night watchman
a concert between dream and reality.
Based on the book Night Watch by Synne Lea and Stian Hole.
“Because the clouds are like something,
are they dreaming?
Because dreams exist,
do the clouds look like something? “
Synne Lea
Sometimes most of us wonder what is dream and what is reality, and maybe there is also something in between? In this concert you can join a world where cold facts and statistics must give way to the boundless and incomprehensible.
In the book Night Watch, author Synne Lea and illustrator Stian Hole create a universe where reality and dream flow together. Based on children’s recognizable surroundings, the poems in Nattevakt examine dream, longing and friendship. The known and the close are transformed into something boundless and transcendent. The illustrations are dreamlike, but at the same time concrete.
With Nattevakt, Synne Lea and Stian Hole created a different and imaginative collection of poems for children, which was nominated for the Brage Prize, the Critics’ Prize and the Ministry of Culture’s Illustration Prize in 2013. The book was characterized by many as inaccessible, incomprehensible and at the same time captivating.
In this concert you get to meet this year’s festival artist Inger Bakke in a meeting with two very talented and distinctive musicians. Bakke has for many years collaborated with a number of musicians and toured for, among others, the National Concerts and The Cultural Schoolbag. In this project, she has invited her longtime colleague Stian Omenås, composer, trumpeter and percussionist, and guitarist Are Lothe Kolbeinsen.
Artwork: Stian Hole
You can buy tickets here
The terminal
Saturday 29. Sept.
12:00 and 13:30

Besøksadresse: Lorkenesgt. 2, 6002 Ålesund
Postadresse: Postboks 349, 6001 Ålesund