Beijing Stories with Jon Tombre
Beijing Stories is a visual, physical audio play by sound artist Eirik Blekesaune and director Jon Tombre. Based on texts written by Jon during a work stay in Beijing in 2017. The performance is part of Jon´’s project «Meat & Melancholy».
In «Beijing stories», Jon experiences what it is like to be a stranger, what it is like to lose yourself and become another when you are in a strange place. «Beijing stories» tells about a meeting between a Norwegian director and five Chinese actors, their work together and the challenges they face. We follow Jon from his confused landing in the huge city until he is dazed and finally reaches the premiere.
The project is a collaboration with sound artist Eirik Blekesaune from Verdensteatret and director Jon Tombre. In the connection between digital sound and bodily presence, a separate universe of sound and light is created. Jon has wanted to write and dance. Eirik has wanted to look at the transition between words as meaning and words as pure sound. The result is a blend of digital sound art and the sounds of a moving body.
The project’s dramaturgical principle is to be self-reliant, which means that the performance is rigged and played without technical assistance. The rooms it is played in are as they are, the only condition is darkness and access to sound systems. Jon brings his mac, some work lamps and thus the show is underway.
«Beijing stories» take us on a journey into the unexplained, the sometimes dark and to the constantly dazed and searching.
The performance was first shown at the Oslo Academy of the Arts in early June 2018. The screenings resulted in invitations from the festivals: Høstscena, Dansefestival Barents and Barents Spektakel. The duration of the performance is 40 minutes.
JON TOMBRE is a Norwegian director with over 70 productions behind him. He is educated at the Statens Teaterskole and Ecole Lecoq. He has worked both inside and outside the institutions. He has worked in most theaters in Norway and in several international contexts. He has received the Hedda Award «for particularly artistic effort» and twice the Critics Award – for his stage work.
The workers
Thursday 27. Sept.
18: 00-19: 00

Besøksadresse: Lorkenesgt. 2, 6002 Ålesund
Postadresse: Postboks 349, 6001 Ålesund