1980 Aker Brygge
STATSTEATRET back to Høstscena! This time they take us to the 80’s and to the song about the free market. Back to the decade where profitability, issue, corruption, insider trading and «milking the cow» became part of the vocabulary. The decade when off-white became a color, and we all became POCO LOCO.
In the performance, we meet the Kielland family, which consists of a retired teacher, Agnes, and her three adult sons. Einar, the eldest, has special needs and lives in an institution, Wilhelm works for Kreditkassen and the youngest, Alexander, is a real estate agent. Alexander dreams of becoming an investor and playing with the big guys, but that requires money. Big money. Then Aunt Brynhild dies. And not before Agnes has read the will, then the yapping time knocks on the door. Welcome to the Kielland family’s rise and fall.
The workers
Saturday 29. Sept.
Kl: 19.30

Besøksadresse: Lorkenesgt. 2, 6002 Ålesund
Postadresse: Postboks 349, 6001 Ålesund