A man encounters a huge, unknown object: ein cube. The cube is a large and strange mass full of energy, and he lives his own life: swallows, boils, spits out again. The man examining the cube manages no to control him. The develops into one match! He becomes search into experiences without logic, where the world is turned upside down .
The cube is leftovers from industrial history – a rusty mosaic created by science and creativity. When we laws we do not know anything new what might happen. When we laws something new so we always destroy something . Even though we think we have control, things can develop and become weird and maybe scary – and maybe alluring ?
Together with the shoe players the cube creates a rhythm – a pulse filled with black humor and strange perspectives. Eit exploratory sound universe and visual effects creates surprises for both large and small. Pulse is a magical and physical theatrical performance about our existence and our relationship to it the surroundings .
Cirka Teater is one of them most experienced performing arts company in the country. They have produced more than 40 screenings over almost 40 years, which has played both nationally and internationally and received many awards. We at Teatret Vårt are proud of to collaborate with them on Pulse!
Premiere 17. September 2022
Duration about 1 hour
Suitable for everyone from 6 years
Idea, concept and direction
Espen Dekko and Gilles Berger
Gilles Berger
Technical solutions
Gilles Berger and Richard Verley
Martin Smith
Ingrid Bjørsnøs Kvam
Gilles Bergar , Karoline Bergh Ellingsen
Produced in collaboration with
Cirka Theatre
WHEN: Sunday 2.10
at 18.00
WHERE: The workers

Besøksadresse: Lorkenesgt. 2, 6002 Ålesund
Postadresse: Postboks 349, 6001 Ålesund