coronavirus measures
Memorial service over a lost festival
Corona Kultur Norge AS is a newly established startup that Høstscena established contact with after the pandemic outbreak. They present themselves as follows:
We at Corona Kultur Norge AS are proud partner with Høstscena 2020,
and we rejoice us to give WINGS to a cultural life which lies fallow in Norway’s new smart city Ålesund. With our plexiglass tailor -made for YOUR event , we guarantee a 100% infection-free festival time ! Under the tab «AUTUMN SCENE 2020 – A LOST FESTIVAL» we mobilize a full scale re -creation of that festival
as should have been – and more to ! We promise memorial rooms , lots of scenery readings ,
hologram display of all Pina Bausch productions , tastings
from Janove ( from Kaizers !!!) ‘s original soundtrack to the planned The role-playing game and
a lot a lot more. IN addition we invite you to a celebration of ART
and THE ENTREPRENEURSHIP on The reception Saturday tonight ! Here it will be readings , talks, flashmobs and photobooth – to name a few something … We at Corona Kultur Norge AS want welcome for a SAFE and INNOVATIVE festival time ”.
Autumn scene looks in voltage forward to this the project .
The reception
Saturday 26.09
Kl: 19:30

Besøksadresse: Lorkenesgt. 2, 6002 Ålesund
Postadresse: Postboks 349, 6001 Ålesund