Outdoor theater

MANNEN & MÅKA (Vadmelsbanden, theater / outdoors)

The man he was walking in the Veda forest, where a crow was sitting in the grove and barking. The man he thought to himself, will believe if that crow will kill me? ”

The Man and the Seagull is a theatrical performance based on the medieval ballad Kråkevisa, where the man who went to the forest to chop wood – or to the lighthouse to turn on the lantern – takes up the fight against a seemingly huge and deadly crow.

Vadmelsbanden’s performances are played outdoors, in close connection with nature, where darkness, bonfires and magnificent tableaux facilitate a different performing arts experience. Based on the well-known folk song, Vadmelsbanden explores man’s encounter with death, nature and his own destiny.


Age group : 12 years and up
Concept, direction and contributors: Vadmelsbanden by Sebastian Warholm, Ole Petter Ribe, Simen Formo Hay, Eirik Vildgren, Mikkel Gundelach, Sindre Hansen and Brede Fristad. In collaboration with local actors from Ålesund and the surrounding area ( Adrian Krogsæter).
Supported by: Norwegian Cultural Council, Fund for Sound and Vision, Dramatikkens Hus, Fund for Performing Artists, Bergen Foundation, Fund for Freelancers and the Norwegian Stage Instructors’ Association.
Photo: L ucas Leonardo Ibanez-Fæhn

WHEN: Saturday 02.10 at 20.00

WHERE: Ute / Inne Molovegen 22

Besøksadresse: Lorkenesgt. 2, 6002 Ålesund
Postadresse: Postboks 349, 6001 Ålesund