FROM SMÅBY TO WEMBLEY (Schrøder Kvalvik / REVOLT, Theater Concert)
«From Small Town to Wembley» is an explosive rock theater.
Welcome to a whole new show! Playwright and director Eldrid Schrøder Kvalvik has in collaboration with the young mold band Revolt and choreographer Geir Baldersheim Leirvåg, developed and staged this suggestive theater concert about a young band that wants to move up and forward. We follow five boys through ups and downs, friendships, conflicts and the imminent question: should they focus on music?
Big dreams, hard work, jantelov, boy mood and music as a language where the words do not suffice. We are going under the skin of the band members, where their innermost thoughts are mixed with the explosive and energetic music of Revolt. Revolt himself plays the main roles both as musicians and actors.
Idea, script and direction: Eldrid Schrøder Kvalvik
Choreography and scenography: Geir Baldersheim Leirvåg
REVOLT: Ulrik Bolsønes, Herman Jørundsønn Mjåseth, Sigurd Skjølberg, Nikolai Gagnat and Emil Vold.
The performance lasts about 70 minutes without a break
Suitable for young people / adults over 12 years.
The band REVOLT consists of five boys of 20 years from Molde who have already made a name for themselves locally by winning the Music Award 2017, as well as playing at both Jugendfest, Skjærvafest, RaumaRock, MoldeJazz and KlubbØya. 2021 is a busy year with the release of several singles and EPs, gigs and record recordings in London and Sweden and not least: THE ROCK THEATER – «From small town to Wembley»!
The performance is supported by: Møre og Romsdal Fylkeskommune, Sparebank1SMN / Sparebankstiftelsen, Dramatikkens Hus, Kulturrådet, Bergenstiftelsen, Istad Kraft and Molde Kulturskole.
Photo: Eskil Bjerkestrand / REVOLT
WHEN: Thursday 30.09 at 18.00
WHERE: The terminal

Besøksadresse: Lorkenesgt. 2, 6002 Ålesund
Postadresse: Postboks 349, 6001 Ålesund