Painful, strange and funny stories about life, in concert format.
Since her debut in 2012, Ellen Sofie Hovland has acquired a reputation as one of the country’s leading show singers. But what exactly is a wise man? At least it is not loud, categorical and boastful. Is Visa perhaps the quiet and thoughtful tool in a noisy world? Visa is about really trying to say something. It contains something vulnerable. Visa is not self-serving. Visa dares to be both funny and heartbroken and corny – just like life is. Maybe visa is an attitude? Visas are stories about us. Visa is the nerds’ popular musical opportunity in an otherwise cool, glossy and evocative rhythmic industry with sponsored clothing and a high IT factor. Welcome to the concert!
WHEN: Wednesday 28.9, 21.00.
(Doors open at 20:00)
WHERE: Teaterfabrikken

Besøksadresse: Lorkenesgt. 2, 6002 Ålesund
Postadresse: Postboks 349, 6001 Ålesund