Concert / evening

Vice night at Teaterfabrikken
Autumn is here and Ålesund song club welcomes everyone into the heat where we light the candles and sit down for a new nice song night with good artists and good music.
This September evening you can experience, among others, Ålesund’s «grand old lady», eternal young Anne Standal, the great charmers in Gutta Boyz, the visual artist Johan H. Maurud and our own Astrid Overaa.
These are accompanied by our eminent husband with conductor Jan Gunnar Åkre (piano), Stefan Olsen (guitar), Lars Øverås (bass) and Jan Håvard Melsæter (drums).
The doors open at 19.00, concert starts at 21.00. The song evening is arranged in collaboration with Ålesund Song Club

WHEN: Wednesday 29.9 at 21:00

WHERE: Teaterfabrikken


Besøksadresse: Lorkenesgt. 2, 6002 Ålesund
Postadresse: Postboks 349, 6001 Ålesund