Liv Gulbrandsen offers a heartbreakingly funny, close and heartfelt story about Henrik Ibsen and his own grandmother.
Liv Gulbrandsen’s grandmother loved Ibsen. And she dragged her granddaughter with her to the theater so that Liv, at a very young age, could see Hedda shoot herself. Grandma had a story she could not tell, and some vital advice. But what story was this?
Sometimes we have to use other people’s words where we lack our own. Many know author, host and cultural personality Liv Gulbrandsen from her
feminist, literary harasses on stage. The Fifty Shades of Gray trilogy, Karl Ove Knausgård’s six-volume work Min Kamp and Jo Nesbø’s crime novels about Harry Hole have all been the subject of Gulbrandsen’s good-natured anger. When she now takes as her starting point the works of Norway’s greatest playwright, we can expect a different, and more personal story. Liv tells of wise and strange experiences of Ibsen’s acting with her grandmother, in a heartbreaking performance where you can cry and laugh, possibly laugh until you cry.
The show Shut up, it’s Ibsen! is a comic, close and heartfelt declaration of love to our mothers and grandmothers, about generations’ struggles, about art, theater – and not least about Henrik Ibsen.
Manufacturer: Bastian Stabell Feelgood & iStage
The performance has been developed in collaboration with the National Theater.
WHEN: Saturday 1.10, at 20.00
WHERE: The workers

Besøksadresse: Lorkenesgt. 2, 6002 Ålesund
Postadresse: Postboks 349, 6001 Ålesund